English Courses

Do you want to improve your English for yourself or your child?          

We are the world Education offers you the opportunity to develop your English skills and progress in your academic or professional career. Thanks to our dynamic and interactive courses, you will be able to improve your mastery of the English language, whether written or spoken. Our qualified and experienced trainers will be able to support you in your learning and help you achieve your goals. Join us today and give new impetus to your career!

with online courses taught by qualified teachers. These courses are suitable for all levels and will allow you to quickly improve your language skills. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our English learning programs.

Why English ?

Learning English offers many professional and personal opportunities. By mastering this language, you will be able to communicate with people from all over the world, travel without language barriers, access better job and study opportunities, and broaden your cultural horizons. Additionally, English is the most widely spoken language in the world and is essential in many fields such as business, technology, science and the arts. By investing time and effort in learning English, you give yourself the opportunity to enrich your life and succeed in an increasingly globalized world. So don’t wait any longer, start learning English now for a bright and promising future!

Why Cambridge Academy Certificate ?

The Cambridge Academy offers various internationally recognized qualifications, including the Certificate of English Language Proficiency (CEFR), the Certificate of Proficiency in Business English (BEC), and the Certificate of Academic English Proficiency (CAE). These certifications can be a significant asset to your professional and academic career, by attesting to your level of English proficiency.

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For Who ?

Learners who achieve A1 Elementary level can:

* understand and use very common everyday expressions and simple phrases for immediate needs

* introduce themselves and other people and can ask and answer questions about personal details, such as where they live, things they have and people they know

* communicate in a simple way if the other person talks slowly and clearly.

Which Topics ?

Grammar topics to learn:

Present Simple(verb to be) (regular verbs)Modal verbs (can, could, must)
Past Simple (to be)Comparative and superlative adjectives 
NumbersPossessive prepositions
Present ContinuousQuestion types, structure
Future SimpleAdverbs of frequency
ArticlesBasic word order in English
Prepositions of time and place

Lexical topics:

PeopleHousehold items
FamilyFood and drinks
ColorsThe weather and nature
Months and seasonsSchool
Time and dateCity
Personal informationUseful verbs
BodyFree time activities
Opposite adjectives Transportation
House and apartment Adverbs and pronouns
Clothes and shoesDescribing people
Basic verbs
Pre-intermediate (A2) should:


Daily Life Vocabulary: Common words and phrases used in daily activities, such as shopping, eating, traveling, and work.

Personal Information: Words related to describing oneself, family, hobbies, and interests.

Basic Adjectives and Adverbs: Descriptive words for people, places, and things, as well as basic adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, never).

Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses: Understanding and using present tenses to talk about routines, habits, and actions happening now.

Past Simple Tense: Using the past simple to describe completed actions in the past.
Future Forms: Basic forms to talk about future plans and intentions (e.g., “going to” for plans).

Modals of Ability, Permission, and Requests: Can, could, may, and might for expressing ability, asking for permission, and making requests.

Comparatives and Superlatives: Forming and using comparative and superlative adjectives to compare people, places, and things.

Basic Sentence Structure: Understanding subject-verb-object order, question formation, and negative sentences.

Listening and Speaking
Understanding Simple Conversations: Comprehending and participating in basic dialogues on familiar topics.

Pronunciation: Clear pronunciation of common words and phrases, stress, and intonation patterns.

Basic Functional Language: Making requests, asking for information, giving directions, and offering help.

Reading and Writing
Reading Comprehension: Understanding the main idea and specific details of short texts, such as emails, advertisements, and simple stories.

Writing Sentences and Short Paragraphs: Writing about familiar topics using simple sentences and basic paragraph structure.

Spelling and Punctuation: Correct spelling of common words and use of basic punctuation marks (periods, commas, question marks).

Communication Skills

Introducing Oneself and Others: Being able to introduce oneself and others, ask and answer questions about personal details.

Expressing Likes and Dislikes: Talking about preferences and opinions on various topics.

Describing People, Places, and Things: Using descriptive language to talk about appearance, characteristics, and features.

Cultural Awareness
Understanding Basic Cultural Norms: Awareness of cultural norms and customs in English-speaking countries, such as greetings, polite expressions, and common social interactions.

Intermediate (B1) should:

Expanded Daily Life Vocabulary: More specialized vocabulary for various situations (e.g., health, education, technology).

Synonyms and Antonyms: Understanding and using synonyms and antonyms to expand vocabulary range.

Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Common idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs used in everyday conversation.

Past Continuous and Past Perfect Tenses: Understanding and using these tenses to describe past actions and their sequences.

Present Perfect Tense: Using the present perfect to talk about experiences, changes over time, and unfinished actions.

Future Continuous and Future Perfect Tenses: Talking about ongoing actions and completed actions in the future.

Conditionals: First and second conditional sentences to discuss real and hypothetical situations.

Passive Voice: Understanding and using the passive voice to focus on the action rather than the subject.

Reported Speech: Reporting statements, questions, and commands.
Relative Clauses: Using defining and non-defining relative clauses to add information to sentences.

Listening and Speaking
Understanding Longer Conversations: Comprehending more complex dialogues and discussions on various topics.

Fluency and Pronunciation: Improving fluency and refining pronunciation, stress, and intonation.

Debating and Discussing: Expressing and defending opinions, agreeing and disagreeing politely.

Functional Language: Using language for more complex functions, such as making arrangements, giving opinions, and negotiating.

Reading and Writing
Reading Comprehension: Understanding the main ideas and details of longer and more complex texts, such as articles, short stories, and reports.
Writing Formal and Informal Texts: Writing emails, letters, essays, and reports with appropriate style and structure.

Paragraph Structure: Writing coherent paragraphs with topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentences.

Using Connectors: Employing a variety of connectors (e.g., however, therefore, moreover) to link ideas in writing.

Communication Skills
Narrating and Describing: Narrating events and describing experiences, places, and processes in detail.

Expressing Feelings and Emotions: Talking about feelings, emotions, and reactions.

Persuading and Advising: Giving advice, making suggestions, and persuading others.
Cultural Awareness
Deepening Cultural Understanding: Gaining deeper insights into cultural norms, traditions, and customs of English-speaking countries.

Understanding Varieties of English: Awareness of different accents, dialects, and regional expressions.

Academic Skills
Note-Taking and Summarizing: Taking effective notes from spoken and written sources and summarizing key points.

Research Skills: Conducting basic research and presenting findings in written and oral formats.

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